CVDVale was born in 1997 to bring the benefits of years of research to society. Incentives from the Small Business Innovation Program (PIPE) from the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP) started CVDVale. A spin-off from INPE (National Institute for Space Research), it carries in its DNA the cutting-edge technology and innovation from Space Research in CVD Diamond and Related Materials.
Diamond properties give our products various applications that serve the dental, medical, mechanical, metallurgical, mining, petroleum, scientific and industrial markets.
The company has created four areas of interest to better meet their needs. CVDentus works in dental area. CVDCoating deposits thin films and diamond-like carbon to improve any material and metal surface performance. CVDrill develops Drill bits . CVDInstruments design and make reactors, high vacuum facilities and high-voltage supplies for the industrial and academic sectors.Besides the variety of products and services, our differential is the high technology translated in 12 patents developed by CVDVale/INPE team with FAPESP and FINEP funding.
- 1991

- The DIMARE Group - Diamonds and Related Materials, began its studies in CVD diamond, in the Associated Laboratory of Sensors and Materials - LAS at INPE. The main objective was CVD diamond development for space applications, in particular as solid lubricating materials, optical windows and heat sinks. The group always aimed technology transfer to society.
- 1994

- Dental drill application became obvious during experiments to evaluate CVD diamond columnar growth, which were performed on small diameter wires. As result of first tests, CVD diamond dental drills won the best work award at the 1994 SBPqO.
- 1997

- CVD Vale was created with incentives from the Small Business Innovation Program (PIPE) from the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP).
- 1998

- In 1998 the dental drill patent developed at INPE won the Governor award of the State of São Paulo, as the best invention of the year. In this same year, the studies for ultrasonic dental tips started.
- 2001

- CVD Vale joined the “III Venture Forum Brazil”, promoted by the FINEP (Study and Project Financing). Because of great innovation of CVD diamond dental drills, the Company was among 17 chosen out of 400 registered. In this same year, the P&D team produced the first adherent CVD diamond tips to withstand hard materials ultrasonic cutting. With these tips it has been possible to drill, with excellent durability, glass, ceramics, enamel, dentin, etc.
- 2002

- Two memorable events, at Shearaton Hotel in Rio de Janeiro and at Rebouças Convention Center in São Paulo, in November 2002 and January 2003, respectively introduced CVDentus® ultrasonic tips.
- 2003

- In 2003 the CVDentus® tips technology won the Finep Award for Technological Innovation, as best product in Brazilian Southeast Region. It also won the national honorable mention delivered directly by the Brazilian President. Other important awards for the high innovation of the product were the Master Science and Technology Awards (2002 and 2003) and the Top Smile Award (2003)..
Product and company increasing acceptance motivated the CVD diamond ultrasonic tips registtration under the CVDentus® brand.
- 2007

- CVDentus® tips invention enabled and consolidated the "Ultrasonic Dentistry" designation to best characterize this whole new field in dentistry. Also in 2007, CVD Vale started to develop and incorporate new technologies, in particular Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC), surfaces treatment by plasma and, a line of equipment for industrial and scientific instrumentation. All developed in cooperation with DIMARE Group.
- 2008

- Deposited process patent "DLC Deposition inside Tubes", in partnership with INPE - National Institute for Space Research.
- 2009

- Deposited process patent "DLC deposition with incorporated nanoparticles", in partnership with INPE - National Institute of Space Research.
- 2011

- Patented process deposit "Drilling Drill for Oil, Water and Gas Exploration Wells".
- 2012

- CVDVale approved the sixth PIPE (Innovative Research in Small Companies) project of FAPESP (Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo), whose resources were applied in the study of Carbon Films, diamond type DLC, for applications on surfaces Anti-corrosion and bactericidal properties for both space and industry.
- 2013

- Approved the seventh PIPE (Innovative Research in Small Companies) Project of FAPESP (Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo), whose resources were applied in the research and development of Ultrasound Equipment for Bone Surgery with CVD Diamond.
- 2014

- Launch of the new CVDentus ultrasound equipment, DentSurg, a landmark in the dental area for being 2 in 1, clinical and surgical version integrated in the same device.
- 2015

- Discovery of new process for the deposition of DLC, whose system is more efficient and costs are lower.
- 2016

- Deposit of two new patents, both process "Surface Coatings with DLC" and "Fabrication of Cutting Devices", also in partnership with INPE - National Institute of Space Research.
Today CVD Vale develops R&D for several companies from different sectors, always presenting innovative solutions for the technological problems of its clients and partners.