Founder and entrepreneur of CVDVale, he has a degree in Physics from the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo (USP) (1978), a Master(s) and Ph.D. in Physics from the Aeronautical Technological Institute (ITA 1981-1986), and a postdoctoral degree from Jet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA / USA and California Institute of Technology - CALTECH / USA (1989-1990). He is a researcher at the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) and a professor in the graduate program in Engineering and Space Technologies at INPE. World reference in regards to diamond growth CVD, DLC (Diamond-like-carbon) and interface studies and surface modification.
Graduated in Physics from the Institute of Physics Gleb Wataghin - State University of Campinas (1982), Master and PhD in Physics by Aeronautical Technological Institute (1986/1993). He was a visiting researcher at the California Institute of Technology - CALTECH / USA (1991-1993). He is a researcher at the Associated Laboratory of Sensors and Materials of the National Institute of Space Research - INPE. He has extensive experience in the field of carbon materials produced by CVD and is dedicated to studies on carbon nanostructures.
Graduated in Chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry - State University of Campinas (1975), Master in Nuclear Engineering (1980) and PhD in Chemistry (Physics and Chemistry) from the University of São Paulo (1993). He is a researcher at the Aeronautical Technological Institute, a specialist in the field of Physics, with emphasis on Molecular Spectra and Interactions of Photons with Molecules, mainly on the following topics: combustion, spectroscopy and laser induced incandescence. Together with Dr. Vladimir Trava-Airoldi and Evaldo Corat, he undertook and created CVDVale.
Electrical and Electronic Engineer from USF - São Francisco University (2002), he holds a PhD in Materials Science from the ITA - Aeronautical Technological Institute. He also worked at INPE - National Institute of Space Research, in the development of new technologies for the deposition of thin films of DLC and CVD Diamond for space, industrial and biological applications. He is currently Technical Director of CVDVale and works in R & D related to new materials and technologies applied to the industry.